MR. Ben ; great letter a little long but good. try mailing a copy to every politican and law maker you can find. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Mum's death: I emailed this to the Sun, BBC & Radio 5 live
by Mr Ben ini emailed this in the hope of helping the presenter or getting published.
dear editor, .
the watchtower bible and tract society (wtbts), a multi-million dollar publishing company, has a history of bizarre medical teachings and quack science - the blood teaching being only one.
Went off outside walmart.
by dogon ini was loading my purchase in my car yesterday when i saw out of the corner of my eye a 20 something man in suit and tie walk up to me and he was holding what i knew was a watchtower.. after 30 years of slavery and i was running late i went off on him, before he could even open his mouth i said, i was part of your cult for 30 years before i left.
he asked what made me leave, i told him that if when christ came invisibly to earth in 1914 and saw russell and his little group of bible students were the only people who had it right and so gave him authority over his earthly preaching work, why would you be disfellowshiped for teaching anything russell tought?
if the bible says that a person who predicts something to happen and it does not come to pass he is a false profit and the society had not been right on one thing, i told him i lived through [stay alive till 75] and knew many who sold their homes and had enough to live on just until 75 and again nothing happend, did he know that the second pres.
johnny cip
dogon: you did the right thing. Trust me that jw learned more from you in 3 minutes than in 20 years. He will not forget. john
Church buys minister a Rolls Royce
by Burger Time inthis was great.
especially the quote, "without a doubt, my life is not average," he said.
"but i'd like to say, just because it is excessive doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.".
johnny cip
I saw a few days ago on FOX NEW CHANNEL . about SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY looking into some pastors/ churches finances. and wantED to start a TOPIC HERE. THAT maybe some of the better writers here on jwd. would be interested in trying to contact the SEN. to maybe look into the wts. I'm sure some well written EMAILS TO THE SEN. might peak his interest into the wts $$$$$$$. i never started that topic because I'm banned from starting topics here on JWD. In anyevent I did send the SEN. a short message about the wts real estate scam. john
by badboy ini understand from news of the world that anthony gough wants to sue the hospital because he feels they were neglient in saving his wife's life.
johnny cip
child birth is a HAPPY thing, something so happy has turned into a sad affair. why? it's not 600 years ago, women don't have babies at home anylonger. they go to hospitals these days. to make small troubles like this a thing of the past (child/mother mortality). BUT NO THE WTS WANTS TO LIVE in the generation before 1914. and let thier followers die. if the hlc was to be put into jail /trial for what they do .IT WOULD END FAST... TILL THEN THIS WILL CONTINUE. just like the wt paying tax for selling mag's, it's all about how much the gov'ts wiill let the wt get away with. NEW LAWS MEAN NEW LIGHT. JOHN
Barbara Anderson's Paedophilia CD: The Watchtowers Chocolate Cake Defence
by Duncan ini received my copy of barbara andersons cd paedophilia in an american religion a month or two ago, and i have been reading through it since.. what follows, although i have called this a review, is in no sense a scholarly consideration of the legal merits of the cases described, a task for which i am wholly unqualified.
these are, rather, my subjective reflections on the material presented, the impressions i gathered while reading the legal filings, my untrained, common-man appraisal of the cases laid out in those documents.
ill also admit to being swayed by tone of voice adopted, and to using my own common-sense yardstick in determining the reasonableness of the statements made, the responses given and the arguments put forward.
johnny cip
BTTT for any one that missed this gem. john
I'm placing a Climax book with my new therapist
by oompa inyep, oompa started today with a new therapist who of course wanted to know if i had anything in particular that was the cause of me seeking his service.
so i kinda gave him a jwcult for dummy therapists cliffnotes version, and he seemed like he just couldn't believe some of it.
he understands my awakening has been difficult for me and the stress it has put on my wife and marriage/family.
johnny cip
Aroarer: do i remember you from the BROOKLYN MARCH? If so nice to see you still around. 1234 what are we marching for...
I'm placing a Climax book with my new therapist
by oompa inyep, oompa started today with a new therapist who of course wanted to know if i had anything in particular that was the cause of me seeking his service.
so i kinda gave him a jwcult for dummy therapists cliffnotes version, and he seemed like he just couldn't believe some of it.
he understands my awakening has been difficult for me and the stress it has put on my wife and marriage/family.
johnny cip
oompa" love your name and posts. give me that $60 an hour and one night at your book study. I'll have the conductor pulling his hair out. and everyone there wanting an enemia. $5 EACH WITHOUT A SOPOSITORY. you will be farted out of the cong the next week. but we will have a great time with that $60 after the crap fest. don't forget to wash your hands... john
"Taking the lead in the Congregation"
by MinisterAmos inthe po talked about "obeying those who take the lead" one too many times last night so i point-blank asked him who was the leader of christianity during biblical times.
i couldn't get him to say "jesus" which is of course the correct answer, so i had to answer for him.
i then added that he would have had assistance from the apostles making them de facto "leaders" as well.
johnny cip
Amos; to funny , next time ask him if you should wash his feet, and annoint his head with oil? tell him maybe he can lead the cong. in the proper way to clean toilets... lol wow i just want to say your the man. john p.s. funny you can never get a straight answer out of these dopes after tthey preached it for an hour. It's like they have no idea what they said for the last hour. I can't stop laughing, this is to funny. next he will be telling you the HOLY SPRITS choose him while mopping the bathroom floors smelling amnonia. rofl
Update on family reunion and other things
by dawg inok, it's been awhile and i thought i'd tell you guys what happened about the family reunion situation.
to rehash... i wrote a letter telling all the jw's in my family that i wasn't going to take any crap off them anymore, that i would embarass their dumba#* if they treated me badly in anyway at funerals and reunions and the like.
i told them i was going to bring information about the idiot jw's to every family event and i was going to get in their faces if they chose to treat me badly cause i refuse to follow the fools at the wtbts.
johnny cip
Dawg; good for you. I've been posting for years that standing up to jw's is a way to get respect if nothing else. I really likedhowu kept bringing back your jw cousin to the same QUESTION A 1000X till he couldn'ttake it any longer. go with what works for you, and don't worry if some posters whine that your crazy. they are just jealous, they can't pull off what you do. keep up the good work. john
Bill Cosby, seems to be right.
by free2beme ini work for a telecommunications company and in so doing, i deal with a lot of fraud.
now, what i am about to say could come across as racist and i hope people read the whole thing to get what i am saying and know i am not racist (... to add though, i really am past caring what people think).
in the state of north carolina, you can run up your phone bill to $1000's and $1000's and by law you only have to pay basic local service to keep services on.
johnny cip
Bill cosby is a HYPOCRITE. HE talks about black problems to ENRICH HIMSELF. just like Al sharpton and THE SO CALLED REV. JESSE JACKSON. I lived in a mostly black area all my life ( working class). I never heard hard working blacks, ever say Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson , are doing them any good. just the other way around they complain that these so called BLACK LEADERS, make good hard working blacks look stupid. the only people that follow these asshole leaders, are welfare, drug addicts, and the mentally insane . We can all thank that RACIST BASTARD BILL COSBY for taking the 'LITTLE RASCALS"( OUR GANG ) OFF TELEVISION. I listen to lots of black radio. (grew up with the music and love it). you want to here racist baiting just listen to your local black (soul) radio stations. the d.j's cry about whites every other minute. and who is that jerk MICHAEL BASDEN on black stations all across america. great music, but a RACIST PIECE OF SHIT. I'll stop here but a lot of black leaders teach hate, TO ENRICH THEMSELVES. JOHN